Monday, July 18, 2011

Julia Child eat your heart out!

       They were so much easier than I ever imagined!  So light and you can fill them with anything you want!

                 The batter was runny and needed a 15 min. rest.  I have never made them before now.       I will be  making them more often for sure!  Super easy.

I have heard that the first one never comes out, well they were right.  It was browned but it torn when I turned it.  Everyone after that was perfect!  I was so glad to  see them form so easily.  If you have not tried it you must soon. 

                                      A small 10 inch pan is all I needed.   Don't they look great!

                                                 Here is my stack, it made about 15 or so.   

My fillings were not planned out.  I just woke up and thought, "today is crepe day" so I did not have much on hand for breakfast fillings.  Plus it was hot and humid out and NO WAY was I turning on the stove for any cooking.  Or an extra burner to whip up some eggs. 

I got a little fancy with mine.  I spread strawberry jelly down the center then some sliced banana.  I put a little syrup on top for a yumo breakfast! 

                      Abigail has Nutella in hers (she is a chocoholic at age 1 1/2). She made a royal mess!

Here is Kendall, age 6, enjoying his crepes and a banana!

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