Get the cutest little boy you can find and have him help you roll out the dough and a well floured surface.
Using a knife cut out to rectangles as best you can. About the size of pop tarts.
You should get 15-20 pop tarts.
The recipe calls to use 1/2 tsp of jelly. After enjoying one Cookie Dad & I agreed they needed more jelly. So maybe a full tsp. would do it. While making them I was thinking of the different fillings one could put in it. Nutella? Custard? Peanut butter & jelly? The possibilities are endless!
Find a top that is about the same size and place on top. Seal the edges with a fork as you would around a pie crust.
Bake 350 for 25 min. or until golden brown. Do your best to hold off temptation and
wait until cooled before enjoying.
These were great for little helpers to help make. Super easy and the house smelled so amazing! You could freeze them and pop them in the toaster for breakfast, if you resisted temptation from eating them all.
Hope you get a chance to make them!
Thanks to for the recipe!