Friday, July 3, 2009

Most of you know by now, but I am going to let you know just in case you do not know. We are going to have another addition to our family. We are going to have baby #6 in late December. Pray for us as we prepare. There are many big things we need like a different car, one that fits 8. Also, it would be a good idea for us to move. That will be the hardest I think. James still is unemployed so we can not afford to move now. So pray he gets a good paying job so we can get the two big things taken care of.

I recently went through a very stressful thing this last week. The LOrd brought me through it and it is all taken care of now. Thanks to God for taking care of us when do not desere it!

School is over, Praise God! I enjoy not rushing to get the work done each day. Now i can take care of things around the house that have been neglected. The boys love playing all day long. They get so dirty! Are all you mom's having this problem also? The boys are wearing shorts and sandles so it is mostly thier legs and feet. Every day it seems they just need that washed. It is starting to drive me crazy. Kendall has a funny tan line on his foot from his sandles. I thought it was dirt but it is a tan.

Jackson loves going outside. He gets his shoes and waits for us to put them on him then waits at the door to go out. He is so funny. He loves to go for walks in the wagon. His favorite toy outside now is a bucket of water. He just splashes in it and laughs. I love watching him do it.

All the boys have bikes now. They are always riding them. We found helmets for each boy. Even Jamison on his tricycle. Carter and Quin have never had a bike so they are learning with training wheels. They are so fast! The bikes were all given to use except Quin's, James found his on big garbage day down the street. It works great, nothing wrong with it. Don't ya just love it when someone throws away a perfectly good item and it becomes yours! Free is great!

I am feeling much better than before. The nasuea has gone for the most part. It creeps back once in awhile. It lasted 4 months. MOrning sicknes yeah right, try all day sickness! Now I am just excausted all day! I could sleep in and still need a nap. It had better be a girl for how I feel!

Enjoy your summer!

Friday, June 5, 2009

I found this old photo of jackson taking a bath. as you can see someone is trying to poke his eye. any guess as to who it may be? if you are a member of my family i am sure you know! the wise guy is jamison.

jackson was about 7 or 8 months in the picture. i thought it was funny so i wanted to share it.

Jackson has been walking for over a month now. he has started to walk so fast he loses his balance and falls down. you can always see it coming. he is proud of himself when he walks around. just last week i found out he knows how to get down the stairs. we have a gate at the bottom to keep him from going up. everyone was upstairs the boys were playing, then i couldnt find jackson. where's jackson i said. a voice from downstairs said. he's down here with me. how did he get down there i asked. he came down himself.

he can also climb up the ladder on the boys bunk beds which is not a good thing. we are constanatly keeping watch on that one. we have told him no and swatted him but they never give up!

i am off to my mom's for a girls night out! bye

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fishing all the time

I am here at home at what are the boys doing? Fishing of course! Jamison lives for fishing. He talks about fishing all the time, seriously! Whenever i figure out how to download the pictures from our camera i will have new pictures to put on here.

the boys were off for spring break and i sure did enjoy not doing school every day! monday is back to the normal schedule. i hope we all get back into schedule with no hitches!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

So much is going on in our lives. The boys are doing wonderful in school each day. James is still without a job and yet the Lord is providing all we need. We have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies.

Church is going better than ever! The weather here in Buffalo has broken and we are now going out soulwinning each Saturday. So far we have had two mens and two ladies groups go out each week. My niece Lizbeth was home from Hyles-Anderson last week so I was able to go out with her. I enjoyed it. Our boys are learning to go out even if they do not want to. This last week Quin did not want to go so I told him of the rewards in Heaven he will get for brinning people to know Christ and it changed his spirit and he was happy again. He even prayed for next week at lunch time.

It is finally springtime here and fishing is on the boys minds. James took them out twice last week and what fun they all had. They came home covered in mud and all wet. James caught one large fish. He was unable to keep it because the area was a catch and release area. Our church hopes to have a fishing outing for the children and adults this summer. We did it at our other church and it was so popular that we decided to do one here. We have a large yard and may have hot dogs there afterwards.

I will put up some pictures of the boys fishing soon. I am at my husbands computer at church and the pictures are at our home computer.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gimme my cake and no one gets hurt! He made such a mess with is dinner and birthday cupcake! He enjoyed himself!

Here is Jamison blowing out his candle on his Diego cake. I made the frosting a little dark for Diegos skin and he looked like an african amercian diego instead of spanish. Jackson's cake was cupcakes put together to look like the number one. Jamison had the same thing when he turned one. It was easy! I know we have each exsperienced this but it amazes me each time. no matter how old some of the children are at birthday parties they will play with the toys no matter what age they are for. The big kids were playing with baby toys. So funny! When my sister Robin was there, she and Carter played Mario Cart on the Wii most of the time. Robin has fun playing the Wii with my boys when she comes over. They got it for Christmas and it is our family fun toy.

Here is my one year old baby boy! Oh, you can not see him? Sorry! I was so glad to get this shot. He put the bag on his head himself. It made me laugh! I bought him that shirt just to wear on his birthday and then latter realized it was a girls shirt. The word cute was outlined in gold. So what! I dress my boys in girls clothes. He looked good in it. When i looked at the reciept latter on it did say shirt/girl on it. I got it on sale at toys r us. it was on clearance than another 30% off. I got a good deal at least!
I made the diego cake for Jamison. Whenever you mentioned his birthday to him all he said was"Diego". He got alot of Diego toys and clothes. He was every happy. We took the boys to Chuck E. Cheese on thursday for the birthday boys. We got over 1,000 tickest. that was the most we ever got before. My mom always plays some games and wins big. My boys don't really like the toys they have all they want is the candy. They did get these neat markers though and Quin got a pirate hook and patch. It was a fund time. We always take the boys for thier birthdays. I go durring the day when all the other kids are at school and there is no one there. We take days off for birthdays. Then we have school when the other kids don't. It works out good for us!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jackson had the best birthday. All our friends and family spoiled him! It is easy to do cause he is so presious! Jamison also had a great party. We celebrated both birthdays since they are just five days apart. Jackson had no idea what was going on. Jamison knew! I will post photos when i get them on the computer from the camera!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Here is cookie crumb number 2, Quintin. He was born not long after Dr. Jack Hyles went to heaven and we gave him Frasure for his middle name. Quin in 6. He is in first grade. He is ok with school for the most part. He does not enjoy reading. He reads so slow i fall asleep listening to him. I know it sounds bad, but for some reason my boys relax me when they read, especially Quin. Here he is doing what he and his brothers love most. Playing x box. Quin is the silly one, he can make ya laugh. He is also a sweetheart. The girls always want to play with him.

Here are Kendall and Jamison. They are playing in a ball pit at Scandia in California. This place was alot of fun for the little ones. There were tunnels for them to crawl around in. Mom and Dad even got to join in on the fun. There were three levels of climbing fun. We each hid and let the others try to find us.
Kendall turned 4 in October and he love the space shuttle. He watched it take off over and over again. I made him a blanket to snuggle with in the cold weather and it has rocket ships and planets on it and he loves it. James just went fishing today and Kendall can not wait to eat the fish he caught. He is a hugger and always tells me he loves me.
Jamison, well he is the oppostie of the rest of the boys. He has red hair and a temper to go with it. He loves cows and balls. He will be 3 on the 26th of Feb. I am making him a Diego birthday cake. He seems to enjoy that show. Jamison is the first one up these days and comes bounding in our room in the morning with a "hi, mom" every morning.He likes to play boxing on the Wii. It is fun to watch him. He has so much energy. He needs a jungle gym in the house to keep him busy.

This is Carter on his 8th birthday last November. He is so his father's son. If we let him he would spend all day watching "Star wars the clone wars" and playing the x-box and the Wii.

He is a tall young man and does his best to be a help to all of us. He is the oldest and acts like the dad sometimes.

Carter is doing great in school. He is in 2nd grade. We changed our cirriculum this year to A.C.E. and he has improved so much. His reading is great and he always does the paces that i thought were hard, first. He is getting 100% on the majority of his tests. Each time the boys get a 100 on a test i have a box of goodies they get to pick from. Carter choose a whoopie coshin the last time.

Here is the youngest of our cookie crumbs. Jackson will be one on the 21st. of Feb. He is always talking and happy. He loves to play with his brother and he is always giving Daddy hugs!
I so do not know what i am doing when it comes to putting this togehter. perhapes james can help me when he gets home from fishing. we will see. i want to put misic up and i am haivng a hard time with it!


Well, here we are! We are attempting to start a blog. Let's see how this all works out. We can keep you, our friends and family, updated on all the events that take place in our lives. Not that much exciting things happen on our end, but you never know with five boys what may happen.

We hope you enjoy our music selections as you read our blog. We hope that we can get the music up and running for your enjoyment. There is a little for all to listen to. From church songs to clasical to star wars. We had fun finding all the songs.

talk to you soon!

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